Week 6 Blog post
Kia ora e te whānau!
Wow what another massive week in Hōpara! On Tuesday we visited Baynons Brake to assist Ecan in replanting a bare piece of land and learn about some local birds and seeds. We were lucky that they cooked up some yummy sausages...this went down a treat! On Thursday we visited Tuahiwi Marae, we got formally welcomed onto the Marae with a Porwhiri, we shared our mihi mihi and learnt about the Kaiapoi Pa and its significance. We also had our inquiry launch day, the students got to be creative in small groups whilst completing a marshmallow challenge. I have added our pondering/wondering questions after the experience.
Hōpara Wonderings.....
How many resources do I need to be creative?
Does creativity have a limit?
Can something inspirational be small?
Can you be wrong and still be creating?
How far do creators go? How do the most famous creators get their inspiration?
Does my creativity influence others' creativity?
Do you need inspiration to be a creator?
Do you have to be clever to be a creator?
Can failure affect your creativity?
Can one person inspire thousands?
Can creativity make your dreams come true?
Can you get inspired by dreams?
When things go wrong what do you do?
Can you be inspired by colours?
Do you need to be inspired to do something different?
Can you be inspired by anything?
Can experiences change my career path?
Can inspiration change you?
Can you be inspired by nature?
GALA: Today is the day! Thank you to all of the parents who have worked hard over the last few weeks to get this day sorted and running smoothly - we appreciate all of your help!
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