
Showing posts from February, 2021

Week 4 Blogpost

Kia ora e te whānau!  Gosh it has been a hot one this week! Thank you to all of the parents who attended our Parent evening on Tuesday, we had a very pleasing turn out. We hope you gained a greater understanding of what our programme entails. We have been really impressed with how the children have settled into groups and follow ups this week, it has been a big learning curve for many! Next week Linda will be Ashley for the week, this is to allow her to do some of her Kāhui ako mahi. Swimming sports is approaching very fast and I have attached some photos of our training.  Week 6 Class trips  In Week 6 Hōpara will be attending two class trips one is to Baynon's Brake ( In support of our work in the local community as an Enviroschool)  and to Tuahiwi Marae. Please fill out the  permission forms on the School App if you haven't yet.  Gala Notice:  The Clarkville School Twilight Gala is now 2 weeks away and the PTA needs your help! Please have a read...

Week 3 Hōpara Blogpost

Kia ora e te whānau!  Wow camp really took it out of us! This week has been all about getting back into routines, testing and sorting our Chill clubs groups ready to start next week. On Monday next week Hōpara students will have been grouped according to their current goals. Every Monday they will now navigate their way to the website to see their follow ups for Core-learning areas. Every second Friday students will share a learning journal with you via Seesaw. This will give you an insight into the work they are producing and an opportunity to make a comment - ps we love reading your comments!!  Swimming sports training - All Hōpara students have selected whether they would like to be in competitive or non-competitive stroke races. This event will be held in Week 5. Please have a chat with them about the events they have entered themselves in.  Website link: What's coming up? WEEK 4 -  FRIDAY ...

Hanmer Forest Camp 2021

Kia ora Whānau!  We hope your children came home raving about our camp last week?! We spent time building positive relationships, taking risks and having heaps of FUN! Nick and I would like to thank the parents who attended camp again, for their diligence and support they provided - we couldn't have done it without you!!  Below we have attached some photos of our trip! Please let me know ASAP if you would like me to remove a photo of your child.  We will continue to post photos of camp this week if more are given to us!


Kia ora e te whānau! Firstly, I would like to thank you for your support on Goal Setting day, it was great to meet new and old families joining our 2021 Hōpara family!  Our first week consisted of getting to know each other, beginning our classroom treaty and preparing ourselves for CAMP this WEEK!!! Yes, 2 more sleeps until we head to Hanmer Springs Forest Camp. Below I have attached an image of our final notice (if it didn't get to you!) and the gear list just incase!  Key points: Please have your children at school by 8.40am ON WEDNESDAY 10th  - Camp parents attending will have their cars on the field.  Yr 5 students are required to bring BAKING - this will stay in their bag until they get to camp  Yr 6 students are required to bring FRUIT (NOT CUT) - this will stay in their bag until they get to camp  Medication etc - this will stay in their bag until they get to camp  ALL items are to be NAMED We will returned to school at 3.15pm on Friday 12th ...